Favorite Reads

I LOVE reading blogs. I’d rather read blogs than go on Pinterest…I know the horror.

Blogs not only give you good tips and ideas, but in my opinion, blogs draw you in personally. You connect with the person writing, with their family, their story. Blogs are more than just where I go to get a new idea. I read blogs to be inspired, motivated, and challenged.

So, if you are into reading blogs, or want to be, here are some of my favorites! (this list will always be a work in progress)

Fitness Tips & Workout Inspiration

N Her Shoes (love the inspiration and spiritual insights Bobbi has to offer, blended with healthy and fitness)

The Fitnessista (one of my favorites, Gina, balances a career in fitness, with family, and healthy eating, and does it better than any other)

1 Fit Foodie (great workout inspiration)

Meals and Moves (Janetha brings it all)

Peanut Butter Fingers

Your Trainer Paige

Blonde Ponytail

Life to the Full

Healthy Eats

Kath Eats  (the life of a young couple juggling parenthood, and owning their own business)

Oh She Glows (vegan recipes, gorgeous photos)

The Never Homemaker (great running tips and fun easy recipes)

Edible Perspective

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