Link-ables + Muffin Recipe

Yesterday I went hunting for these, with some Nahuatl friends. Here we call them nanchi.


I actually cannot stand the taste of them, and I’m not even sure how to describe it. Acidic would be putting it mildly, because they also have a sweet, but horrible taste. 🙂 I know…I’m pumping these thing up. Anyways, the goal was to spend an afternoon out with friends, and the Nahuatl people LOVE nanchis so I harvested a bag and plan to give them to a friend’s family.

What have you been up to this week?

I made some crazy delicious muffins, and they are healthy. 


When I was in high school there was a bakery in our downtown and sometimes Mom and I would stop on our way out for a day of shopping and grab a fresh brewed cup of coffee and a muffin. They had like 10 different kinds and they were the giant ones, but I was one of those kids that had my favorites, and rather than gamble on something new I chose what I knew I loved. My favorites were the pumpkin cream cheese, and the bran muffins. Bran, honey, plump juicy raisins…I can still taste them.

Those bran muffins were probably a healthier choice than lets say, the double chocolate chip, but none the less I’m sure they were loaded with sugar, and unhealthy oils. But, man they were good.

My version of bran muffins is “oil free” not on purpose, it just turned out that way. And their sweetness comes purely from the mango, coconut, and a dash of stevia. They are delicious with coffee, and you won’t feel guilty giving these to your kids or hubby for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

P.S. We ate an entire batch in one day…but the score was more like Pete 6 – Liesl 2.

Tropical Oat Bran Muffins – makes 8 muffins

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup oat bran
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut

1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup water
1 cup fresh mango, diced
1 tsp. coconut extract

Mix all of the dry ingredients together in a bowl. In a seperate bowl whisk together the wet ingredients.
Pour the wet in with the dry and add the diced mango. Stir until just combined.

Pour into 8 oiled muffin tins and bake @350 for around 15-18 minutes.


Ready for some reading!! Save these links for some weekend browsing, or afternoon reading with an iced coffee.

Breakfast – this coffee cake looks yummy, quinoa and cinnamon, sign me up!

Confidence – we’ve all been the newbie at the gym before, here’s a great post on how to feel confident & less intimidated on your next trip to the weight room

Wise Words – a true reminder of the power of our words

Spread it – I LOVE nut butter, and this stuff looks AMAZING! (maybe when I’m a millionaire)

Favorites – it’s true, two of my favorite magazines, Clean Eating & Oxygen are no more 😦

Greens – I often think of my fresh herbs as leafy greens, great info and recipes!

Work it – did this cardio + strength combo yesterday morning, and it felt amazing

Dairy free – cashew & hemp milk, how creative!

Say no to Diet – aspartame is toxic. Time to kick that diet soda habit.

Morning cup – a healthier alternative to corn syrup laden coffee creamer

That’s all for today, have a wonderful Wednesday, and we’ll see you on Friday for another fitness post!



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